The OpenWorks team recently demonstrated our Vision Guard system to the Centre of Excellence.
Vision Guard is a portable and configurable Autonomous surveillance system, offering unparalleled sensing versatility.
Demonstrations are important in allowing us to gather valuable data and feedback from end users for the development of our systems. We were able to demonstrate Vision Guards versatility, showing its strong capabilities in a coastal environment.

About OpenWorks
Autonomous Technology & Systems
A developer of autonomous technology for Surveillance applications and Defence.
OpenWorks provides autonomous systems for Surveillance and Defence applications, ideally suited to Fire Control and vehicles, vessels and UGVs/USVs. Our Vision products are used in C-UAS, Defence and surveillance, sensing and tracking missions. The SkyWall products provide physical capture for C-UAS. OpenWorks can provide integrated sub-systems/systems using in-house technology/products, for standalone use or integration by Defence primes/Integrators.