The SkyWall Patrol Net-Capture and HP47 handheld-jamming systems have been used together by leading specialist law enforcement across Europe since 2016.
Combining electronic defeat and physical capture to provide a highly effective CUAS capability. OpenWorks and HP are now combining forces to show a new track-defeat concept at the NATO Technical Interoperability Exercise, in VreDePeel Airbase in the Netherlands.The HP47 system is attached to a quick-release mount on the SkyTrack positioner.
Operators can position the Vision Flex CUAS HP47 system in a fixed location for a temporary protective scenario, such as a roof top. The system can be operated remotely, with the operator receiving high-quality video of the tracked target and on-command precise jamming. The handheld jammer can be quickly disconnected when required and continue the mission in a handheld operation, while the Vision Flex CUAS system continues to provide overwatch.
The new concept provides a highly-flexible solution and provides an upgrade option to existing HP47 customers that would like to evolve their existing hardware into remotely operated and autonomous protective systems.The Vision Flex CUAS ultra high-performance EO/IR target tracking system has the ability to network with other CUAS sensors such as radar or RF direction finding, fuses data using the SkyAI control module and scans the sky using AI neural networks to detect and classify UAS targets before tracking them with high accuracy. The Vision Flex CUAS system has an integral attachment point which allows additional 3rd party sensors and effectors to be mounted and remotely controlled.
The HP47 handheld jammer is a high-accuracy directional jamming system that allows an operator to halt and take control of any UAS that uses RF communications or GPS navigation. Recent upgrades allow the handheld system to be remotely activated by and external system, and this has enabled the new concept to be provided.