DJ Byers has upgraded their mobile surveillance system (PRESIDIAN), featuring high-performance optics from OpenWorks Engineering.

DJ Byers has upgraded their mobile surveillance system (PRESIDIAN), featuring high-performance optics from OpenWorks Engineering.
OpenWorks is exhibiting a new portable autonomous multi-sensor detection & classification system at the SAE CUAS Conference on December 2nd-4th.
The OpenWorks team recently demonstrated our Vision Guard system to the Centre of Excellence.
The annual event for the Association of the United States Army is a gathering of military professionals and leaders of the defence industry showcasing the latest advancements in defence technology.
Key members of OpenWorks’ research and development team will be present, with a primary focus on optimising the performance of the new Vision Guard system.
During NATO’s annual Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) Technical Interoperability Exercise (TIE) in the Netherlands, more than 60 counter-drone systems and technologies such as sensors, drone-on-drone systems, jammers and cyber interceptors were tested live.
In an era where border security is being challenged in ways not seen before scalability, affordability and flexibility is critical.
We were thrilled to have our high-performance optical solution, Vision Flex patrolling the skies at Farnborough International Air Show 2024.
The Counter UAS sandbox, organised by Canadas Department of National Defence, hosted industry leaders in advanced solutions for detecting and defeating of UAS.
OpenWorks featured in BLACKTALON Ecosystem. We pride ourselves on fostering innovative partnerships to enhance the capabilities of our products.