Portable net-capture was demonstrated during NATO TIE at Vredepeel Airbase, The Netherlands.
The Royal Netherlands Army evaluates the SkyWall Patrol
The Royal Netherlands Army are using the SkyWall Patrol, our net capture system – here are some of the direct comments from the end user.
Big Demonstration for European Organisations at the OWE Headquarters
The SkyWall Net Capture and Autonomous Optical Technology was on display this week in live demonstrations on our purpose-built CUAS testing and development range.
SkyWall Auto Response deployed to protect world leaders at the G7 summit in Germany
As leaders from around the world visited the G7 meeting in Germany, the continued use of drones in the Ukraine conflict proves the threat from drone attack is ever present.
SkyWall Auto Trailer Operated by US military at the Litey Live Fire Excercise in Colorado
The Fast Deployment SkyWall Auto Trailer System was showcased at the Liteye Live Fire Exercise in Colorado on the 24th and 25th of May.
SkyWall Auto Delivered to US Military Customer
Every system gets FAT tested before delivery.
SkyWall Patrol Tested by the US Military as Part of an Integrated System in Yuma
The Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO), established in 2020 to tackle the drone threat, hosted two C-sUAS demonstrations at Yuma Proving Ground (YPG).
UK Soldiers Operate the SkyWall Auto in Italy During a NATO Exercise – NNTEX-2C
NNTEX-22C was a NATO Non-Lethal Technology Exercise (NNTEX-22C) at the PISQ military base in Sardinia.
OpenWorks Delivers SkyWall Auto Training to UK Military in Preparation for the NATO Exercise in Sardinia in Spring
The UK MOD came tour training site in Stocksfield where they had 1 day of training to be able to operate the SkyWall Auto during the NNTEX event.
European Police Test Vision Flex CUAS Tracking System
In February we travelled for 2 weeks around in Europe and organized demonstrations with end users and integrators.